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I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.




I have a total of 27 years teaching experience . After I received my M.Ed. from the University of Florida (hence the name "HappyEdugator"), I began teaching in elementary school, where I taught pull-out remedial classes for grades 2-5 and a section of K-1. Then I taught Pre-K for 5 years, before I went up to Middle School, where I have been in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Last year, I went back to 1st grade in a private setting. I have traveled worldwide and am also fluent in Spanish.
Thomas Jefferson PowerPoint Presentation

Thomas Jefferson PowerPoint Presentation

Thomas Jefferson - PowerPoint Presentation. A biography Thomas Jefferson, our nation's 3rd President and author of the Declaration of Independence. From his early years to his passing, follow the impressive accomplishments and achievements of a great founding father. Learn about his influence in American history and his relationships with other founding fathers, his role in the Revolutionary War and the Louisiana Purchase, and examine some of his inventions. Great for building background for President's Day activities. Updated February 2015 - HappyEdugator
Christmas Holiday Sensory Writing Practice Worksheet

Christmas Holiday Sensory Writing Practice Worksheet

Christmas Holiday Sensory Writing Practice Worksheet. A Christmas or winter holiday writing worksheet. Ten different Christmas writing prompts for sensory writing, to create imagery with a holiday twist. Students will need to show, not tell, using words that utilize the five senses. You may use the worksheet in centers. group work, or individual instruction. You may wish to have them complete all the exercises, choose some, or assign them individually. Includes three pages of sensory words for students to use if needed. - HappyEdugator
Poetry Writing SmartBoard Activity

Poetry Writing SmartBoard Activity

Poetry - Writing Poetry is EASY Smartboard fun and interactive activities. EASY stands for Emotional Appeals; Alliteration and Sound Devices; Similes, Metaphors and Figurative Language; and You Make the Rules. Students will love playing with words on the Smartboard and writing their own poems! - HappyEdugator
Halloween Quiz

Halloween Quiz

Halloween Quiz. This simple and fun quiz about Halloween will test your students knowledge of some basic Halloween vocabulary and traditions. Students can fill in the blanks from the word bank. Pair and share, write a story with the words from the word bank, and color the Jack O Lantern afterwards. You can also cut out the word bank if you wish, and make a game for kids to "win" it! Included are word bank cards, a monster for early finishers to color, a key and a reward cut out for completing it correctly! - HappyEdugator
Poetry: Ways to Read Poetry PowerPoint

Poetry: Ways to Read Poetry PowerPoint

Poetry: Ways to Read Poetry PowerPoint. Presentation guides students in how to approach reading poetry with a plan so they can reach their goal of understanding what a poem means. Teaches close reading of poetry. Before, during and after reading strategies including paraphrasing, journaling, and "two per line" will help students become more active and responsive readers. Supports common core standards. 17 slide PowerPoint. - HappyEdugator
The Mouth Organ - Christmas Around the World

The Mouth Organ - Christmas Around the World

The Mouth Organ - Christmas Around the World. Introduce this Christmas short story from Trinidad to your students with this PowerPoint and activity. Includes information about the author, background information on the Caribbean island of Trinidad, story vocabulary with photo slides to build understanding, and five critical thinking questions that develop writing using evidence to support answers. Also includes a research sheet for students to research Trinidad and compare it to their own hometown. This story can be a nice addition to your Christmas Around the World unit. Includes a link to the story. If you are using Chromebooks, tablets, or computers in the classroom, students can read through the PowerPoint, click on the story to read, and then answer a choice of the questions or those you assign them. Supports common core. - HappyEdugator
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year PowerPoint - Traditions and customs of the Chinese New Year. Includes informational text, fun test your knowledge questions, and activities and crafts to celebrate. 18 slides.One slide focuses on Chinese New Year 2015 with a short video...about the confusion of the year of the sheep, goat, or ram. Enjoy! Updated February 2015 - HappyEdugator
Halloween Poems and Halloween Poetry Writing Activities

Halloween Poems and Halloween Poetry Writing Activities

Halloween Poems and Fun Halloween Poem Writing Activities. Includes seven of my original Halloween poems for reading aloud and just for fun, in color and black and white. Each poem has an activity associated with it. Two craftivites. Includes a figurative language sheet and activity, and two Halloween poetry writing activities to complete after you are all in the mood to create! Stimulate imaginations! You can project the colorized poems on a whiteboard to practice choral reading. You can also print them out and use in literacy centers or for student copies to read along. Examples of various types of sound devices and figurative language found in the poems, such as alliteration, simile, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia, and imagery. - HappyEdugator
Halloween Word Problems - Fun Practice

Halloween Word Problems - Fun Practice

Halloween Word Problems - Fun Practice. Halloween math practice in basic operations. 2 pages of addition and subtraction word problems and 2 pages of multiplication and division word problems. Teaches problem solving and critical thinking with a Halloween theme. - HappyEdugator
Community Helpers Game - What's My Job

Community Helpers Game - What's My Job

Your students will love this fun and interactive community helpers game. This is a PowerPoint game of Who Am I. Students get three clues to guess the job of the community helper. There are 14 different workers represented. Students have to figure out who it is from clues about where they work, what they wear, what vehicles they drive, and what tools they use. Fun for review or assessment. Project on your whiteboard or Smartboard, or use it at a computer center. No prep. Easy to use. This is a fun way to increase your students' vocabulary. To play: Put in slide show mode, and click on the slide to reveal the clues. Students make guesses after each clue. After the three clues have been revealed, click again for the answer to check. ©2017 HappyEdugator.
All About Me Bag

All About Me Bag

A Beginning of the Year Me Bag Activity - a great back to school activity that helps everyone get to know each other at the beginning of the year. This All About Me Bag activity includes letter to parents with calendar, assignment reminder sheets, and rubric. Includes an original "me" bag poem to paste on the bag that students can read aloud and two writing sheets. Promotes creative thinking.
Reading Club or Book Club Activities for the Entire School Year

Reading Club or Book Club Activities for the Entire School Year

Reading Club or Book Club Activities for the Entire School Year. When you go back to school, are you planning to have a reading club or a book club start at the beginning of the year? Either in your classroom, or school-wide? This 34 page packet is what you need to start a successful reading club. This is a year's worth of activities for a Reading Club. The topics are planned for September through June. Everyone starts with a membership card, and to stay an active member, each student reads books on the theme of the month. The printables included here are: a student letter with membership card, a parent letter explaining the requirements, letters home with signature lines for books read for each theme, badges for monthly bulletin boards, and certificates of achievement for each month. There is also a super student award for the end of the year and a tic-tac-toe board for students to complete that will encourage them to read books from a variety of genres. Start your club anytime and enjoy the reading! 34 pages. - HappyEdugator
Holidays Around the World - Christmas Around the World Poetry Activity

Holidays Around the World - Christmas Around the World Poetry Activity

Have your students learn about holidays around the world and write acrostic poems about how people celebrate Christmas around the world. Includes informational text about ten different countries around the world and how they celebrate Christmas. You may wish to have students do additional research to write their poems. These are fun and easy to use for differentiation. You can choose longer or shorter poems for students, or you can give them choice. You can also require either words, phrases, or complete sentences on the lines. You can decide to rhyme or not. They do require some critical thinking and creativity. They make a great display, too. - HappyEdugator ©2016 HappyEdugator.
Valentine's Day Math Counting Numbers

Valentine's Day Math Counting Numbers

Valentines Day Math - Counting Numbers 1 - 10. Hearts math and literacy sheet. Numbers 1 - 10. Students have to count the hearts, draw a line to match them to the number word, then write the number in the box provided. Use Valentine heart shaped candy; have your kids count them out as they complete the sheet. Fun math activity for Valentine's Day. Supports math, reading, and writing skills. Supports common core state standards! CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.A.3 Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects). CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4a When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4b Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4c Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.5 Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1–20, count out that many objects.
Leadership - Ten Qualities of a Good Leader PowerPoint

Leadership - Ten Qualities of a Good Leader PowerPoint

Leadership - Ten Qualities of a Good Leader PowerPoint Presentation. Helpful at the beginning of the year. Includes ten qualities that make a good leader. Some of the characteristics of a good leader include self-confidence, a sense of justice, and self-control. Good BTS character education activity or use when you are discussing classroom rules and behavior expectations. We tell kids to be good leaders,and not followers, but they need to know how. Good for back to school or the beginning of the year to provide students an understanding of expectations. Use at the beginning of the year to motivate. Use at the end of the year to review important life skills. (For professional development, insert the word teacher for leader, and student for follower) Animated slides, Partner activity and writing assignment included, along with some quick review questions. - HappyEdugator
Building Brick Games

Building Brick Games

Ten activities to do with building brick blocks. Use the games individually on separate occasions, or make stations with them and have an event. Print out the cards and use to mark each station. Students go from station to station to complete the activities on the card. You can also break them into teams and see which team completes the activities first. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Classroom Management Warning Cards

Classroom Management Warning Cards

Behavior Management Warning Cards. Classroom management tool.. Slip quietly on a desk and don't stop teaching! Be prepared for the beginning of the year or anytime you need a behavior plan. Explain to your students when they come back to school at the beginning of the year that you will expect them to follow your classroom expectations. Give them examples of positive and negative behaviors Tell them that once you give a verbal warning, you expect the behavior to stop. If it does not, and you have to address the issue again, they will quietly, without disrupting instruction, be given a behavior warning card. Just put it on their desk and don't stop teaching! They must sign it, date it, and write the behavior they are being warned about on the back and return it to you. You keep the card for documentation, which is useful for parent conferences or in the event of an office referral. Includes a plain set without name and date if you wish to use repeatedly without documentation. Includes cards with place for name and date, blank cards with a line to write on that you can customize, Last Chance cards, Stop! cards, and Oops! cards...which you can use as you choose. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Frayer Model

Frayer Model

Frayer Model. Blank Frayer Model Graphic Organizer. Build vocabulary by having students use this graphic organizer to define the term in their own words, provide relevant characteristics and pictures, and give examples and non-examples from their own experience. Includes two versions for differentiation, and two formats...one larger for projecting on a screen, and one smaller with a place for student name and date for printing. Thanks!
Hearts - Gingham - Clip Art

Hearts - Gingham - Clip Art

Hearts - Gingham - Clip Art. 37 different colored hearts for your creations. Png format. Commercial use and personal use. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator ©2016 HappyEdugator.
Free Teacher Desk Planner - Back to School Calendar

Free Teacher Desk Planner - Back to School Calendar

Organize for back to school with this free desk planner! Print on cardstock, laminate, and use dry erase markers (or wet erase) to write on and wipe off. Write in the month, dates, and days of the week. Calendar also has a place for Notes, Reminders, Daily To Do List,and Weekly To Do List. In color or ink friendly black and white. - HappyEdugator